
Elmer Explorers with KS1 and LKS2,listening,speaking and writing

I am busy thinking of ideas for World Book Day and as Elmer is one of the books that children will receive,I decided that this was an ideal focus for our KS1 and also KS2 Year 3.It is also an ideal opportunity to share with students I train how we link across curriculum areas and can take one focus and develop primary language learning games,songs, role-play and our own writing opportunities - if we just think out of the box a little! 

Dressing Elmer with KS1!

With KS1 , we can practise our colours and our colour question"Which colour is it?" with a dice game where we roll the dice and say the question together and then the colour  the die lands on.

Now we can add a patch to our class Elmer( who as you can see is colourless at the moment!)  

Going on a colour hunt with KS1 and Year 3

We can pretend to be jungle explorers and hunt round our classroom for coloured elephants.With KS1 let's play "hot and cold" and hide coloured  card cut outs of elephants.

With KS2 Year 3 let's make it an Elmer treasure hunt and hide our multi coloured elmers around the room and ask two volunteers at a time to follow simple instructions to find the coloured Elmers (left ,right , straight ahead, turn around, stop , hot and cold).The class can hide the elephants and then help you call the directions as the two volunteers look for the elephants.  

Singing an Elmer song

We have found a great Elmer song in French.,

Here are the French words


E.L.M.E.R. je m’appelle Elmer.

E.L.M.E.R. et puis j’en suis fier.

De tout le troupeau je suis le plus beau,

l’éléphant le plus elegant.

Je suis bariolé de la tête aux pieds

Tout le  monde me reconnaît

E.L.M.E.R. je m’appelle Elmer.

E.L.M.E.R. et puis j’en suis fier.

Être différent c’est parfois pesant

je voudrais comme mes amis

être un éléphant qui de temps en temps deviendrait simplement tout gris.

E.L.M.E.R. je m’appelle Elmer.

E.L.M.E.R. et puis j’en suis fier.

E.L.M.E.R. je m’appelle Elmer.

E.L.M.E.R. et puis j’en suis fier.

Chaque année pour fêter la fin de l’été

Tout le monde se deguisait,

Bariolés, decorés furent mes amis et moi je me suis peint en gris

E.L.M.E.R. je m’appelle Elmer.

E.L.M.E.R. et puis j’en suis fier.

and here is the clip we found ......

Elmer Explorer Roleplays

Finally what about with KS2 Year 3 or Year 4 some Elmer totem pole prompt sticks for an Elmer role-play?

You can find out more about the totem pole prompt sticks and their general use


Here is an example of my Elmer totem pole prompt stick- one between two .It's a coliumn of four picture prompts.

You will also need rolled tubes with a letter box cut in it,so you can feed the totem pole prompt stick through slowly and look at each picture.This is the "Elmer explorer" telescope.

Each partner takes in turns to be the "Elmer explorer" and with their "jungle telescope " as they feed the totem pole prompt stick through the tube , they can ask a specific question of their partner.The partner looks through the binoculars , see the picture and uses this to help them form their response to the question. 

With these Elmer totem pole prompt sticks, the cue pictures invite us to ask:

What are you called?  (I am called Elmer)

Where do you live? (in the jungle)

What colours are you?  (opportunity for lots of colours here)

And one final question is one to be made up by the totem pole prompt stick holder- hence the question mark... (This could be age, personality , likes, dislikes .....)

Elmer mini books and describing things in writing

Now let's bring together all this work in our own mini book.I just followed this 

You Tube Origami mini book clip

 and created the book I needed.

Firstly I used familiar pictures from the totem poles - so the children can write down famiioar phrases and then I added colour clouds so that the children can then write their own colour sentences about Elmer.

The task in itself will be differentiated by outcome - as some children may write short phrases and single words and other children may write sentences , whilst other children may write questions and answers as if it was a story between Elmer and the narrator.

Here are some pictures of my mini book ready to be written in.

Something a bit French, fishy and fun!

Celebrating Summer with a visit to the seaside?

Every year we take our young learners to the seaside in the target language ....well on a virtual tour!
We work with Year 5 on a comparison of beaches here and abroad.
Summer is also a time when the older children can share with the younger children some of their learning in end of year assemblies etc.  

This song about "les petits poissons" allows us to combine the work we are developing with a comparison of English and French seaside with some performance fun and the practise of the target language. 

We love this authentic and traditional song for young children about fish in the sea.We can unpack with the children the use of adjectives in this song and we can create our own versions with colours or different descriptive adjectives too.Then we can have some simple Summer fun with the song and the theme of fish! 


Les petits poissons
Dans l'eau,
Nagent, nagent,
Nagent, nagent, nagent,
Les petits poissons
Dans l'eau,
Nagent aussi bien que les gros.
Les petits, les gros,
Nagent comme il faut,
Les gros, les petits,
Nagent bien aussi.

You can find wonderful clips of the song to share with your children too. Take look here!

The obvious thing to do is to teach the children the song .... and why not get the children to play the song as well perhaps on recorders ?
It will make a great independent performance for the rest of the school.
Take a look here!

Add a visual performance element too ! 
Have a go at making your own origami fish puppets so that the children can create their own puppet performances of the song 

Click here on the jedessine website to find the French instructions for your class and yourself to follow.

Finally why not each the whole class a traditional party game based on fishermen and fishes ...."pécheurs poissons"

It's a simple rhyme and a traditional early years' French playground game- great for KS2 beginner learners or just for fun with older children!
Maybe Year 5 can teach Year 3 the game ? 
Below are the simple words 

Petits poissons 

Divide the class into two groups.One group are fishes and the other group are the fishermen.
The fishermen make a circle and join hands . they lift their arms up so there are arches through which the other children (the fishes) can weave their way in and out of the circle.The fishermen decide on which number they will drop their arms and close the net and see how many fishes they have caught.The caught fishes join the fishermen for the next round.Who will be the last to be caught?

Tour de France Sequence of Lessons

Follow and celebrate the Tour de France 2014 as it travels from Yorkshire through England and across to France 

and around ,up and down and through the country! 

This afternoon we having been discussing the tour de France! Here are a sequence of lessons that I have helped to create based on the resources you can find here 

tour de France links and resources

Below are some ideas for us firstly to use in all target languages: 

A virtual tour of the Tour de France !

A virtual tour from Yorkshire to the finishing line in Paris

Let’s create our own virtual 3D tour and add our own 2D and 3D famous buildings from cities on the way  to the finishing line . Create a 3D tour Eiffel for the finishing line!

Here's a video clip to help us achieve this 

And follow this link to find 

3D tour Eiffel 

to complete your 

own virtual 3D class tour 

Physical Grammar Game


The class need to decide on three symbols to represent nouns, adjectives and verbs. Stand up right for a noun, wiggle your body for an adjective and pump your arms for a verb ( just like you would have symbols in Charades for book, film, musical etc.

Divide your class into “Tour de France t-shirt teams- different coloured t-shirts . No team should be le maillot jaune/la camiseta amarilla or das gelbe Tshirt. This one is for the winners!

Let’s brainstorm nouns, adjectives and verbs that we associate with the tour de France. Can access these in the target language in bilingual dictionaries .

Here are some to start us off  ……….


Cyclist , bike , wheel, tyre, puncture , race ,helmet , t-shirt , shorts ,road ,city ,start, finish ,speed, power….


,fast , fit ,tired, thirsty, determined , exciting, powerful , competitive ,breathless


To push , to pedal ,to race ,to compete, to challenge , to cheer, to watch , to participate, to win , to lose , to pass , to crash, to celebrate

A volunteer  from a team selects a word from a cycle bag and decides if it’s a noun, an adjective or a verb. They must mime this – one point for getting this correct and then they must mime the meaning of the word- one more point for the team if they can guess and say it in the target language. If you play this UKS2 Year 6 or with KS3 with there are two bonus points with UKS2 if they can put the noun or the adjective in to a simple sentence and can any of them create a first person singular present tense statement with a verb (e.g. I push , I pedal, I race etc )? Verbs would b e at the teacher’s discretion – depending on whether they are regular verbs or not in the first instance.

Cyclists on tour- a language recall game!

You will need  

dice ,different coloured

counters for the players and the board,which you can download here 

Simple tour de France and sports vocabulary game

It doesn't just need to be abut sports though on!

Divide your class in to teams of four .How many times around the board can the children race before the end of a designated amount of time – on a countdown timer ? If they land on an odd number they have to pick up a picture card and say the word they see in the target language. If they land on an even number they have to ask a question of another person in the game. They cannot repeat the question that was said by the last player to land on an even number. The winner of the race will own the yellow jersey and will have been around the board the most times or got the farthest around the board before the end of the timed race!

Our own class jerseys!

Take a look


 at the jerseys that are rewarded during the whole race  

Can the class design their own Tour de France jerseys – either on real plain white t-shirts or as card cut outs for a class mobile or display? Each of these t-shirts should have written on them the characteristics of a true sportsman in the target language – either as single words or as simple present tense sentences using the verb “to be”  

Superlative t-shirts

Take a look at how to form the superlative in the target language . a good activity again for Year 6 or KS3 .In your class which characteristics make the best members of the class …. The most organised, the most creative, the tidiest , the most helpful, the kindest. Now can your class help you to design reward t-shirts for the duration of the Tour de France?these can be awarded for the “superlative” people in your class during the Tour de France! Display the t-shirts with their superlative labels for all to see and add the faces of the children who win these t-shirts one by one.

Poster Power Poem Performances! 

Why not create your own Power Poem Performances using posters as stimulus for draft writing of poems which can be short such as a haiku made up of adjectives or verse by verse present tense sentences using a noun verb and adjective to describe elements of the Tour de France. The children  perform the poems and bring the posters to life!

Here's the link to the blog post with the

poster power poem

 lesson guide and below is a poster that inspired me!

And finally for French language learners ….

Food Fest

Let’s go on a Tour de France food fest and take in the regional foods. Let’s have a food-tasting journey and keep an E- journal of the foods we try – photos, sound file comments and short videos of foods we try or foods we find on line. Take a look at this article of 40

Tour de France

 regional recipes 

Mon vélo est blanc

Let’s learn and perform this simple poem for a school assembly. Why not adapt the poem and change the colours.

mon velo est blanc

Or take a break and watch with KS2 children

le petit Nicolas le 


Making an Easter Movie

Making an Easter Movie 

Several years ago with a Year 6 class and a French language assistant from the local High School  we created an opportunity for the class to generate movies of simple animal songs which were sung to a very familiar refrain - 10 Little Indians 

The class loved ICT  and as you can see from the example below were able to create simple movies using windows movie maker that explained the song they heard the language assistant sing . It was helped by the fact that the language assistant had a beautiful voice too.

It was a simple song known by a lot of us in French we then changed and to describe different animals and their associated movements : 

Un petit,deux petits, trois petits lapins ,
quatre petits, cinq petits , six petits lapins
sept petits , huit petits , neuf petits lapins 
dix petits lapins sautent!

As a class we were practising nouns for animals ,linking these to  action verbs  and looking at regular er verbs in French - so we had rabbits that jump, lambs that run and birds that fly in our three songs .It was Easter time - hence the lambs ! 

We used this simple book to explore animals and their movements .The book is still on my book shelf and is still used with classes  as they love learning about  real animals and exploring simple real factual information in the target language contained in the book

Recently looking at all the new APPS that we can use to create movies with the children I decided that it would be good to challenge the language teachers and assistants that work with me to challenge their classes to create their own Easter Movies .
An APP like Story Creator would be ideal - for children to record the story with pictures and then on the final page to sing the whole song 

With Year 3 the children can sing the song , record themselves and then create their own group movies 

With Year 4 the children can alter the song - change the animal and the action and create their own group movies 

With UKS2 the children can work on writing their own songs about an animal and an action and create in pairs simple movies .