role plays

Elmer Explorers with KS1 and LKS2,listening,speaking and writing

I am busy thinking of ideas for World Book Day and as Elmer is one of the books that children will receive,I decided that this was an ideal focus for our KS1 and also KS2 Year 3.It is also an ideal opportunity to share with students I train how we link across curriculum areas and can take one focus and develop primary language learning games,songs, role-play and our own writing opportunities - if we just think out of the box a little! 

Dressing Elmer with KS1!

With KS1 , we can practise our colours and our colour question"Which colour is it?" with a dice game where we roll the dice and say the question together and then the colour  the die lands on.

Now we can add a patch to our class Elmer( who as you can see is colourless at the moment!)  

Going on a colour hunt with KS1 and Year 3

We can pretend to be jungle explorers and hunt round our classroom for coloured elephants.With KS1 let's play "hot and cold" and hide coloured  card cut outs of elephants.

With KS2 Year 3 let's make it an Elmer treasure hunt and hide our multi coloured elmers around the room and ask two volunteers at a time to follow simple instructions to find the coloured Elmers (left ,right , straight ahead, turn around, stop , hot and cold).The class can hide the elephants and then help you call the directions as the two volunteers look for the elephants.  

Singing an Elmer song

We have found a great Elmer song in French.,

Here are the French words


E.L.M.E.R. je m’appelle Elmer.

E.L.M.E.R. et puis j’en suis fier.

De tout le troupeau je suis le plus beau,

l’éléphant le plus elegant.

Je suis bariolé de la tête aux pieds

Tout le  monde me reconnaît

E.L.M.E.R. je m’appelle Elmer.

E.L.M.E.R. et puis j’en suis fier.

Être différent c’est parfois pesant

je voudrais comme mes amis

être un éléphant qui de temps en temps deviendrait simplement tout gris.

E.L.M.E.R. je m’appelle Elmer.

E.L.M.E.R. et puis j’en suis fier.

E.L.M.E.R. je m’appelle Elmer.

E.L.M.E.R. et puis j’en suis fier.

Chaque année pour fêter la fin de l’été

Tout le monde se deguisait,

Bariolés, decorés furent mes amis et moi je me suis peint en gris

E.L.M.E.R. je m’appelle Elmer.

E.L.M.E.R. et puis j’en suis fier.

and here is the clip we found ......

Elmer Explorer Roleplays

Finally what about with KS2 Year 3 or Year 4 some Elmer totem pole prompt sticks for an Elmer role-play?

You can find out more about the totem pole prompt sticks and their general use


Here is an example of my Elmer totem pole prompt stick- one between two .It's a coliumn of four picture prompts.

You will also need rolled tubes with a letter box cut in it,so you can feed the totem pole prompt stick through slowly and look at each picture.This is the "Elmer explorer" telescope.

Each partner takes in turns to be the "Elmer explorer" and with their "jungle telescope " as they feed the totem pole prompt stick through the tube , they can ask a specific question of their partner.The partner looks through the binoculars , see the picture and uses this to help them form their response to the question. 

With these Elmer totem pole prompt sticks, the cue pictures invite us to ask:

What are you called?  (I am called Elmer)

Where do you live? (in the jungle)

What colours are you?  (opportunity for lots of colours here)

And one final question is one to be made up by the totem pole prompt stick holder- hence the question mark... (This could be age, personality , likes, dislikes .....)

Elmer mini books and describing things in writing

Now let's bring together all this work in our own mini book.I just followed this 

You Tube Origami mini book clip

 and created the book I needed.

Firstly I used familiar pictures from the totem poles - so the children can write down famiioar phrases and then I added colour clouds so that the children can then write their own colour sentences about Elmer.

The task in itself will be differentiated by outcome - as some children may write short phrases and single words and other children may write sentences , whilst other children may write questions and answers as if it was a story between Elmer and the narrator.

Here are some pictures of my mini book ready to be written in.

Playing with the simple past tense..watching the world go by!

As the children move further through their language learning in KS2, there are times when they want to explain or describe simply a past event.

In Year 6 there is an ideal learning situation linked to one of the focuses of the


 ...... the cafe!

In Year 6 we look at 


é culture and one of the wonderful things I enjoy about 


é culture abroad is the way you don;t rush .... you sit.... and you watch the World go by!

Think of all those times when we sit in caf


 and watch the world go by and observe the actions and interactions of the people we see sit down at a table and order a drink or food then leave!

The past tense focus will be in this instance on the phrase

"il y avait ...." / hab

ía......./ es gab...."

To accomplish the final task of "Watching the world go by" we firstly will need to practise the core language.(You may decide to spread this across a sequence of lessons).  

Activity One:Stepping in and out of the picture

  • Introduce and practise the present tense and past tense verbal phrase for "there is/are " and "there was/were" in the target language.
  • Ask the children to freeze frame if you say the past tense phrase and to move and be active if you say the present tense phrase
  • Discuss with the children why they think you asked them to freeze frame or to move and be active. Discuss with the children the concept of the past and an event having happened that is now a memory and a picture. 
  • Discuss with the children the concept of the present and an event that is still happening and is active before your very eyes!
  • Can the children use the two phrases and play the same game of freeze frame or moving with a partner. Hold "listen and watch ins" and see if the children are responding correctly to the two phrases in the present and the past.

Activity Two: Time travellers and stopping time!

  • Ask the children to walk around the room and be active, talking to each other and asking each other questions in the target language until they hear you call the apprppriate past tense phrase :"il y a avait ...." / había......./ es gab..."Now they must freeze exactly where they are and hold there action until you say the present tense phrase. You may decide to say the past tense phrase over and over again and try to catch them out ..... they mustn't move!
  • You can generate a game here to see which children are the best time travellers - if the children move to soon , they must sit down. Who will be the last children standing?
  • Once they hear the present tense phrase then the children can carry on their conversation and move around the room...until they must freeze frame and travel back in time again.

Activity Three: Spot the difference and step back in time!

  • Show the children a picture of the classroom yesterday  - in black and white. Explain that in the picture you have added items- a bag, a book,a picture  et that are not in the classroom today. Can the children spot the difference? They will need to describe the room to do using the present tense phrase and the room yesterday using the past tense phrase. Provide the children with bilingual dictionaries in case they can not recall certain key nouns they need .  

The main event .....watching the world go by.

  • Working in groups of the three ,ask the children to create their café role plays .they must order two drinks and a snack and the children must take the roles of a waiter and two customers. Each of the customers must have a character e.g a mum and a child or an old man and an old woman  or be creative a monster and a child etc.
  • The class must "Watch the World go by" and listen and watch the role plays as the children volunteer to perform them for the class.
  • Can the class report back in spoken form what they saw and understood- using the past tense phrase?

 For example

"There was an old man and a child and a waiter.There were two drinks. There was a coffee and a lemonade. There was also a piece of chocolate cake with cream"

  • Now listen to and watch a new role play and ask the class to observe and report back how the scene changes yet again!    

Year 6 on their way to meet friends in Spain!

This afternoon I have received the wonderful report below from the Languages Coordinator, Tina Charnley at Latchford St James CE  Primary School, Warrington. Supported by our very own JLN Spanish language teacher Jose Maria Jimenez Year 6 are preparing for the annual week in Spain with their partner primary school in Rincon ,Malaga!

Take a look at the school website which is beginning to fill up with exciting news for the children, teachers and wider community to read about the visit and the preparations that have been taking place! 

Just before Year 6 broke up for Easter they were reminded on the website that it is ......................................

Nearly time for Spain

We will soon be going to Spain, so all year six should be practising their Spanish phrases over the Easter holidays. Buena suerte!

First a little context! 

Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to   other cultures..................... It should also provide opportunities for them to communicate for practical purposes
(new KS2 POS for languages)

Who would have thought that such an amazing opportunity for the children from this town centre school could have developed into something so magnificent! The school has developed a whole school Spanish language learning programme from Nursery to Year 6 and have established productive and purposeful language and cultural links with a primary school in the Rincon de Victoria, Andalucia.Who would have thought back in 2006 that a headteacher initial link visit funded by the the TDA would lead to such a dynamic link!

Latchford St James CE link school project is about two dynamic head teachers, one from Rincon in Malaga and  one from Warrington,deciding that there was no reason why their  10 and 11 year old children couldn’t meet each other and spend time together! There is a lot that goes in to making this link so successful and all the members of staff and business administration teams in both schools work hard to make the visits so successful every year. All year round the children in the whole school contribute to keeping alive and real the letter, project based and virtual contact .It's most definitely a whole school focus.

The project started about 8 years ago and has grown from a small group of year 6 parents agreeing for their children to go to Malaga for a week to now the whole class expecting at the end of their six or seven years of learning Spanish in primary school to go to Malaga and spend time with the friends they have been skyping! The system works well . One week is spent in Malaga and several weeks later their Spanish friends come to Warrington and stay at the Peace Centre and spend a week at Latchford St James.The children go to school together,take part in traditional cultural activities together,visit castles and beaches here and in Spain and speak with each other in Spanish and English.By the end of the first week they are all best of friends!
The school has invested in Spanish language assistants trained and supported by JLN and currently Jose  works in the school every Wednesday. The programme runs the  whole year round and he delivers lessons from Nursery to Year 6 in line with the JLN SOW.All the children make tremendous and noticeable progression in learning a foreign language …. and what a reason to learn to they have! 

So now over to the school and their report about how Year 6 are preparing to fly over to Malaga and visit their Spanish school friends !

This term we have been working really hard to prepare for our visit to Malaga and since the whole class are coming we have spent some of our Spanish time working on basic conversation to help us whilst we are there. Our Spanish lessons have become something the children really look forward to, especially during the SATs preparation time.

We have been skyping our Spanish school frequently and now the children feel that they know the children that they will be meeting and spending their days with. 

We organised ourselves into three groups- to break the ice- and we chatted about Computer games, music or sport. As the children became more confident they also chatted about families and favourite TV shows. We all enjoyed learning a Spanish song and dance which we performed alongside the Spanish children and staff!

We will be visiting a market whilst we are with our Spanish friends and so we spent some time learning about the phrases we might hear and need when we are there. We had a great day when we set up a marketplace in the Year Six classroom, with various stalls all containing items which we would find in a typical market. Jose made sure that the room became a noisy one to reflect a real market place and the children all thoroughly enjoyed it.  Year Six then invited all of the other classes to visit the marketplace where all the children used their Spanish to ask for items, how much they would cost and then describing what they had bought.

As we are lucky enough to spend time on the beach we feel it is important that the children can all  buy their own ice-creams etc from the Kiosko and so we also spent time role-playing this whilst also getting used to using Centimes.

Some of our year six children are very competent now in everyday Spanish and have enjoyed assisting Jose with the younger children. We have put some of their work and photos on our website and hope to upload photographs daily whilst we are in Rincon de la Victoria(Spain)

This is primary language learning with a clear purpose and I look forward to following Year Six and their week in Spain on their website!