Sound,syllable and word juggling

Festival time! Make sure primary languages get involved too! Here is a gem to play to practise accurate pronunciation and intonation fo key target language words.

Sound,syllable and word juggling

  • So simple! First of all select your key words - maybe a specific content e.g numbers , days, months, colours  etc.
  • Practise the key language with the challenge. Explore the sound of the words. Expolore the rhythm of the words and look at how many syllables are in the word.
  • Set a challenge for the children.Can they sound juggle with five of the words? To do this they must say each word clearly and with their best pronunciation, opening their right hand as they do this.Now they must throw their imaginary word they are holding in their open right hand up in to the air and toss the word with their voice up and over their heads  whilst they clap out the number of syllables in the word and catch the word in their left hand and say it quietly and squeeze their hand shut.
  • Can they now put together a sequence of five words and create a sequence of sound juggling? Set the bar higher by asking them to do this alphabetical order or reverse numerical value or reverse order or the days of the week etc
  • Add a grammatical twist by focusing on nouns- masculine and feminine singular and/or plural nouns where you  are then able to challenge the children only to juggle for example with masculine plural nouns.
  • Add in the mix nouns and adjectives.Can the children juggle a noun followed by any adjective.
  • Or add more challenge and ask the children to juggle a noun followed by  a corresponding adjective that agrees with the noun!