Frequently Asked Questions

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Why choose premium membership?

In this post we will explain why premium membership is the best option for your school in developing the language learning in your school and making the most out of all the great things on offer with your memebrship. Click on the link and read through the key points!


Teach languages in the primary way!

In this post we begin to address the frequently asked question above. Just what does primary language teaching look like? Firstly, you may like to spend 10 minutes listening to the podcast within the post. An informal discussion between two practicing primary languages’ teachers and myself. Emilie is a native speaker,primary French specialist and Joanne is a primary teacher with an MFL specialism.

Ofsted overdue? Ofsted ready for primary languages!

It’s a frequently asked and highly relevant question. Firstly don’t panic, we’ve created a guide and checklist to help you create a well constructed scheme of work and have in place the resources and tools to plot and plan the learning journey across KS2 in primary languages.


Practical solutions to OFSTED in primary languages. A podcast with Catherine Simms

This podcast is all about being Ofsted ready. Listen along with Catherine and Will as they talk about how to prepare for an Ofsted visit, what Ofsted would be looking for and how the resources on the VLE can help you to be ready.


Impact and primary foreign languages learning

This is rapidly becoming one of our frequently asked questions and so here is our FAQs blog post to share ideas on how to address the questions around impact. Primary languages teachers and coordinators want to know more about “impact”. What should schools track ,assess and capture and how to keep,show and share this?


What and how should we teach our beginner Year 5 and 6 language learners?

Take a look at nine possible ways you can implement effective beginner language learning with UKS2 children. Examples shared by our network schools hello you to see real ways that schools have addressed the same challenge themselves.